August 19, 2016


At one time, Marketing was being in front of people and seeking attention by selling oneself as bigger and better. Today people may be easier to reach, but they are harder than ever to engage. Just because they hear us does not mean they are listening. Just because they see us, does not mean they are noticing. Having the market’s attention no longer guarantees success.

Today we must truly see them, the people we are serving, solving their problems; listening, giving them a real reason to care about us. Today marketing looks less like advertising and more like creating something meaningful, sharing a lifestyle, and connecting on a deeper level. People care and notice when we care and notice first.

It sounds simple, but often we get it wrong. We focus on our product more than than the customer. We curate our instagram and overlook customer service. We get see all our details and forget to refine the customer experience. A brand story understands our customer and creates something that delights them on every level. Rachel is the vision behind this fun shoot. It’s all about kindness, serving others, and etiquette. And yep, I say all that has a part in business. Rachel will take it from here…

When I think of the word etiquette, I’m not sure I can even relate it to my daily life. Etiquette went out with the 1800’s, right? However, I began to give a lot more thought to what etiquette is. If it was so important then, in what way should it be important today? So I researched and paid close attention to others who I thought had beautiful manners. Then I, as a near millennial, applied it to my life and here is what I learned. 

teaparty01The ability to have a beautiful social presence or social grace is more than manners.  Manners are more then knowing which fork to use, always having your ankles crossed to one side, or perfect posture.  Not to say none of that is important, it is. But etiquette, on a deeper level, is the ability to make others comfortable and to be aware of the feelings of those around you. Being kind to everyone, even those whose manners don’t exist. At the end of the day, manners are kindness. It is the art of being gracious always, either when a guest or a host. This photo shoot was created to reflect this kindness, this serving of others.


So slow down, mind your manners. Be aware of what is happening around you and act appropriately and graciously. Don’t let your please and thank you’s slip away. Smile politely and often. Don’t skip small talk even if you dislike it, especially if it is at the expense of making someone else feel comfortable. Manners are for the other people in the room. Wether they reflect the standard to which we live or not, they reflect the standard to which we present ourselves.


This photo shoot was a collaboration with several incredible brands. Mise en Place, a well designed kitchen store found on S. Queen in our very own Lancaster county, is full of all the details any kitchen could ever need.  Their tart molds made a perfect tart crust and the tea spoon and miniature milk pitcher were lovely. INNA Jam is a California based, organic and locally sourced jam company. Their delicious jams added just the right amount of sweet to the tarts and everyone knows you can’t have a proper high tea without jam. We used their Triple Crown Blackberry jam in our sweet whipped cream tart. INNA’s Plum Jam was sensational in our raspberry tart and all the jams were lovely with scones. And last but certainly not least is the staple of high tea, proper tea. For that we have ‘A Tea Affair‘ in Lititz to thank. Their local shop in Lititz is truly charming in every way.  The Early Grey tea had lovely scents of lemon peel, rose, conn flower petals, citrus and floral notes. Visit their downtown shop to experience the wide selection of teas for your next cup of tea. A heartfelt thank-you to these fantastic brands for being part of this project.


And always friends; smile generously, laugh easily, be kind.

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