September 13, 2018


In the beginning of branding a business, it’s easy to sit down and dream about what it could be. We can see with fresh vision and grab onto every ounce of potential and possibility out there. But then almost simultaneously, we recognize that if there is potential there is also a problem that needs to be solved in order to see that potential realized. It’s in this moment we understand that there is work to be done and instantly see all the risk, costs, and time it will take before we see any amount of change. What began as a question, an idea, or a dream, quickly turns into a massive project filled with a million different angles and details.

Our encouragement to you is simply that this is good. Identifying possibility or wanting to solve a problem with your current branding and marketing means that there is opportunity and growth ahead. But it also means the middle – between the dreaming the actual change – might be hard, or messy, or cause you to want to throw in the towel every now and again. These feelings are real but they do not define your brand or your ideas.

Frustration can quickly produce branding fatigue, but there is a way to overcome the tiredness that hits during the brand building journey:

1. First, build a foundation. Don’t be afraid to look at your brand from every single angle and get it right the first time. Take the necessary amount of time to develop a solid foundation for your brand that you can build upon years later. Time spent crafting and creating a brand early on will be a huge benefit in the long run.

2. Second, take the next step. No matter how big or how small, take the next step. Just get started. You might not be able to fix everything in a day or a month or a year. Live in the freedom that your brand will never arrive, it can always be better and all you need to do is take the next step.

3. Finally keep the vision. Don’t lose sight of why you started or where you are going. What you do matters and we believe the world should know about it.

If brand development is your next step, but you are not ready to jump into an entire branding package, we are offering a workshop this fall that will walk you through the same process we use with our clients. With a DIY approach to the workshop, we give you the tools to build a brand blueprint that can be used to grow your business and communicate with your customers and clients effectively and authentically. Want to know more? Check it out HERE!

words by hailey – brand strategist

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