July 26, 2019


As businesses we have such a privilege to serve our team, customers, clients and followers through who we are, what we do and how we do it. We mainly think about serving in relation to our product or service. But what if serving was multifaceted and not just composed of the tangible goods and services we offer, but the intangible experiences we create? These experiences are created in many different ways, and today we are focusing on what we say and how we say it.

No matter what, each brand speaks. But what it says can vary brand to brand and business to business. And every brand, big or small, old or new, has the ability to encourage, uplift, and inspire those they seek to serve. 

So what does this look like practically:

  1. Identify your values and the core elements you want your business to be built upon
  2. Dig in to how you want to make people feel with your business. Start asking yourself: How do I want customers to feel after interacting with our product, calling our receptionist, receiving an email, or jumping on our instagram? 
  3. Find out what your audience wants to hear that makes sense in relation to your business 
  4. Identify what you are communicating, how you are communicating and who is communicating.
  5. Make sure that what you communicate holds true to your values, makes people feel how you want them to feel, and would make sense to your audience. 

We all have the power to use the voice of our business to speak life into the lives of our team, customers, clients and community! Being intentional about our words and overall messaging takes time but is always worth it in the end.

words by hailey – brand strategist

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