March 24, 2014


 My babies….

Little Sailor….nine weeks ALREADY. What I love about her the most right now? The way she smells…God created babies to have the sweetest scent. Seeing her smile melts my heart and kissing her forehead….it feels just right.

Corde is three and as silly and comical as ever.  His continuous questions and chatting exasperate me…but on the flip side, we laugh at him so much!

Adler…eight years old. Works very hard in school and puts his entire heart into all he does. He is artistic and is visually aware of details such as colors, shapes, and notices everything. He loves ‘nice’ things, likes to be neat and organized, and will whip a messy bedroom into order in no time. Mess with his just organized bedroom? He is not a happy camper. He is *most of the time* innocent and just want to please. He is a little absent minded….yep, got that from me.

Riley….how do I have a ten year old already? He is the oldest and carries with him a sense of being the oldest. Relationships and time with family and friends mean the world to him. He is sensitive and picks up instantly on the emotional ‘temperature’ of a setting. He plays smart…as in knows how to get his little brothers to do things for him without making them feel like they are doing his chores. We are working on that one. He loves one-on-one conversations and special outings.

First time dad of a daughter. He would do anything for her. Already.

I grabbed a few of the boys photos. My dear friend, Nicola Herring, kindly took the family photos. Thank-you Nicola!!

At times I sit back and look around in a bit of bewilderment….HOW in the world did I get to this place in life? Four babies?

Jeepers….at times I still feel like a kid myself. Life keeps moving…:-)

  1. Bonnie says:

    You have a beautiful family. That daddy daughter picture is priceless. Just something about girls that melts a daddy heart & they will do most anything for them isn’t it? Blessings to you & Andrew as you raise your family. Looks like you are doing a fine job! :)

  2. Angel Ludwig says:


  3. Nancy Zimmerman says:

    Aww…Char, I Love all of the pictures and I Love the people in them! Beautiful!

  4. Charlene Sensenig says:

    You look amazing and have a beautiful family. Thanks for the post.

  5. Anna Kogan says:

    Love these pictures! You are so blessed Char and they are SO blessed to have you!!

  6. ann says:

    love you and all of yours. you do life beautifully. it is my pleasure and honor to continue to walk with you through one season after another.

  7. Michele says:

    Your house is full of busy blessings! I adore the image of you and Sailor! Your boys are so handsome and I can imagine before long they are going to learn that it takes a really cool boy to be able to play with girl toys to make their sister happy!

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